NORAD$504043$ - vertaling naar spaans
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NORAD$504043$ - vertaling naar spaans

NORAD Santa tracking program; NORAD tracks Santa; NORAD Tracks Santa Website; NORAD Tracks Santa Videos; NORAD Tracks Santa Celebrity Video and Audio Messages; Noradsanta; NORAD and Santa;; Operation NORAD; NORAD Santa Tracker; Norad christmas
  • First Lady Michelle Obama reacts while talking on the phone to children across the country as part of NORAD Tracks Santa 2016.
  • NORAD volunteers answering phone calls in 2007
  • 160px
  • Harry Shoup, the ''Santa Colonel''
  • The 1955 [[Sears]] ad with, according to legend, the misprinted telephone number that led to the NORAD Tracks Santa program

Comando de defensa aeroespacial de Norte América, centro de comando localizado en Colorado (USA) que se ocupa de detectar señales de posibles ataques


Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
NORAD provides financing of project exports from Norway to developing countries for development undertakings which contribute to development and which can be sustained without future external assistance. About 50 percent of Norwegian assistance is bilateral aid; the balance is channelled as multialteral aid through UN specialized agencies and financial institutions, including regional development banks. NORAD bilaterial aid includes provisions for Norwegian private industrial sector participation as suppliers of capital equipment and services and technology. A portion of assistance may involve concessional financing for Norwegian project exports, including mixed credits, export credit guarantees, support for training in connection with project exports, and tied co-financing on grant basis with the World Bank, the African Development Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. NORAD assistance is subject the OECD's Development Assistance Committee guidelines for development assistance and associated financing. NORAD was established in 1968; headquarters are in Oslo, Norway.


NORAD Tracks Santa

NORAD Tracks Santa is an annual Christmas-themed program in which North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) simulates the tracking of Santa Claus, who is said to leave the North Pole to travel around the world on his mission to deliver presents to children every year on Christmas Eve. The program starts on December 1, but the actual Santa-tracking simulation starts at midnight annually on December 23. It is a community outreach function of NORAD, and has been held annually since 1955.

Although NORAD claims to use radar and other technologies to track Santa, the website merely simulates the tracking of Santa and displays predetermined location information to users.

The program follows the tradition of the September 1897 editorial "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" in the New York Sun.